MuseScore) could also be used in this way. A collection of LilyPond files with Moveable Do solfege as lyrics. Also, since LilyPond can import MusicXML files, any of the many applications that export to MusicXML (e.g. Dorico is a powerful scoring software application from Steinberg that runs on macOS, Windows, and iPad. Version 0.8.20 added MusicXML import and version 2.5 added MusicXML export. One could use them to graphically edit music in traditional notation, and then export the music to LilyPond for transnotation into an alternative notation. Denemo is a free notation editor for creating scores in LilyPond format on Linux, Windows, and macOS. There are free open-source applications that offer graphical editing of music notation that can export music to the LilyPond file format. Option dialog modified: dedicated settings. Automatic toolbar creation ('OLy' button and 'Batch' button) in Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw. New feature: Creating and re-editing OLy objects in spreadsheets (LibreOffice Calc) New feature: Batch processing for Calc, Impress, Draw documents. The LilyPond developers are experimenting with a graphical interface for LilyPond (see Schikkers List), but it is in very early stages. OOoLilyPond 1.1.0 4.4 Linux, Windows, macOS GPL. Instead of providing a graphical user interface for editing scores, LilyPond’s developers concentrate on producing the highest-quality output, sheet music that looks as good as if it had been typeset by hand. LilyPond is used by writing and editing text documents that contain music notation data, rather than pointing and clicking with a mouse.
Moreover we still store the initially-compiled PDF file.

It will still compile by future lilypond compilers if it can compile now. See our LilyPond wiki page for the most current documentation and demo files showing various alternative notation systems rendered by LilyPond. Lilypond format is backward compartible, as a new version of lilypond come out, you may want to maintain the code to make use of the newest feature. LilyPond is a free, open-source application that supports displaying and printing music in alternative music notation systems.